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Volume 4 Number 2, June 2005

Original Research Article

Banks’ Marketing Strategies and Deposit Mobilisation: A Study of Selected Commercial Banks in Nigeria    HTML | Fulltext

Perceived Job Insecurity and Task Performance among Bank Employees in Nigeria Banking Industry: The Role of Emotional-Intelligence and Self-Efficacy    HTML | Fulltext

IFRS Adoption, Corporate Governance and Timeliness of Financial Reports among Nigerian Listed Firms    HTML | Fulltext

Earnings Predictability and Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standard in the Nigerian Deposit Money Banks    HTML | Fulltext

Financing of Manufacturing Exports and Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria    HTML | Fulltext

Adaptation, Adoption and Convergence of IFRS: An Amalgamation of The Right Strategy for Nigeria's Transition    HTML | Fulltext

Asymmetric Cost Behaviour: Evidence from Nigerian Companies    HTML | Fulltext

Litigation Infraction Charges andFinancial Performanceof Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria    HTML | Fulltext

Budgetary Control Mechanism and Financial Accountability in Ondo State Public Sector    HTML | Fulltext

Quality of Healthcare Services and Patients' Satisfaction in University of Benin Teaching Hospital    HTML | Fulltext

Tax planning and Profitability of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Model    HTML | Fulltext



2023; 7: 
1,   4
2007; 6: 
1,   2,   3
2006; 5: 
1,   2
2005; 4: 
1,   2,   3,   4
2004; 3: 
1,   2,   3,   4
2003; 2: 
1,   2,   3,   4
2002; 1: 

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