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Received: October 12 2021 Accepted: March 30 2022 Published: March 30 2022
Citation: Board Characteristics and Timeliness of Financial Reporting. Account Tax Rev 2007; 6(1):89-106 doi:
© 2007 The authors.
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This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between board characteristics [BOD] and the timeliness of financial statements [TIM]. The characteristics of the BOD examined in this study include board independence, board size, board gender diversity and board diligence. Data were collected from annual reports of 15 listed commercial banks on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) for the period between 2012 to 2018. The results show that board size, board gender diversity and board diligence have significant effects on the TIM. Board gender has a negative effect on the TIM. However, the board independence showed no significant effect based on the findings, the study recommended that the shareholders of listed commercial banks should ensure that the board has a reasonably small number of members as it has been revealed that a smaller board will reduce the delay in releasing the financial reports.