Original Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Determinants of Cyber Fraud Investigation in Nigeria

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Received: 03 April /2018        Accepted: 25 May 2018        Published: 30 June 2018

Citation: Determinants of Cyber Fraud Investigation in Nigeria. Account Tax Rev 2003; 2(2):1-14 doi:

© 2003 The authors.
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This paper examines the determinants of cyber fraud investigation in Nigeria. The use of computer and internet technology in recent times has evolved electronic financial transactions such as e-business, e-commerce, e-payment has resulted to unlawful activities as miscreants use the same application to perpetrate fraudulent acts. This has endangered the businesses of the individuals, groups, institutions and even governments as huge amount of money is lost to these fraudsters. 150respondents form the sample population drown from three agencies (EFCC, ICPC and Nigeria Police) using primary data only. The sample size was derived using Yamane (1967) statistical formula. The sample size consists of one hundred and nine (109) questionnaire, out of which, one hundred and five (105) were filled and return. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. The findings of the study show that there is positive and significant relationship between cyber fraud investigation and computer forensic education, digital forensic education, law enforcement education and seminar, workshop and conferences. Similarly, there is insignificant association between cyber fraud investigation and accounting education. Therefore, the study recommended among others  that the personnel of these agencies need to have adequate knowledge of computer forensic education and should be allowed  to attend seminars, workshop and conferences in order to update their knowledge, skills and competence to overcome the challenge posed on the agencies.

Keywords: computer forensic education, digital forensic education, accounting education, law enforcement education, and seminar, conference and workshop.

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