Original Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Corporate Governance and the Market Value of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

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Received: 03 April 2018        Accepted: 24 May 2018        Published: 30 June 2018

Citation: Corporate Governance and the Market Value of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. Account Tax Rev 2003; 2(2):28-42 doi:

© 2003 The authors.
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This study examined the impact of corporate governance on the market value of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria (DMBs).Data were collected from annual reports and accounts of the selected banks from 2006 to 2015. Data for the study were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation and Panel data regression techniques using Stata software version 12.00. The study foundboard size and audit committee size have a positive butinsignificant impact on the market value of listed DMBs in Nigeria. However, board composition and firm size have a significant positive impact on market value of listed DMBs in Nigeria. The study recommends that listed DMBs in Nigeria should maintain the statutory provisions on the board size andaudit committee size to ensure proper governance.This will also ensure proper stewardship of resources that could improve the market value. Also, the Nigerian deposit money banks should maintain optimum board composition and total assets in ensuring proper governance structure and value creation.

Keywords: Board size, Audit Committee, Firm size, Market value, Tobin’s Q.

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